

A temporary structure or arrangement of structures that creates an experience for its visitors. Installations can be seen as a type of interactive design as often visitors have to walk through the design itself.

Nexus Podcast

Kennedy Yanko and Camille Bacon

Title: Season 3, Episode 2: We explore the relationship between art, spirituality, and abstraction with Kennedy Yanko and Camille Bacon, as they reflect on their professional practices in sculpting and writing, and on their explorations of visual perception and Black feminism.

Nexus Podcast

Rob Problak Gibbs

Season 2, Episode 3: Rob Problak Gibbs details how his origins as a graffiti writer and practice as a muralist have shaped the ways in which he engages with his community through the built environment.

Nexus Podcast

Michelle Joan Wilkinson

Season 1, Episode 4: Dr. Michelle Joan Wilkinson discusses the systems of power embedded in architectural design and her work as a curator documenting diasporic architectural heritage.


Reflective Properties

Landscape Architecture concerns itself with what connects us: the earth beneath our feet.  However, with the ubiquitous use of digital technologies, how can our physical, earthly landscapes interface with our ever-evolving digital landscapes? It is almost impossible to define what...


Diane Jones Allen

Landscape architect, author, and program director of landscape architecture at the University of Texas at Arlington, Diane Jones Allen creates work committed to environmental justice, sustainability, and the cultural significance of landscape while advocating for the transformative potential of design....


The Solar Strand

The Solar Strand comprises a quarter-mile long array of 5000 photovoltaic panels on the campus of SUNY Buffalo. Designed by Walter Hood as the winning design for the University at Buffalo Solar Park Competition, the project takes what some might...